My wish as an artist is to invite the viewer to an emotional dialog with the picture.

I hope you felt just that for the past pages. I hope you made a connection with those animals, because, they are all dead.

Or are they?

As an artist, for me to receive emotional feedback from the viewer is my deepest desire, so I fight for it. At first the word 'fight' might sound strange, yet creating this work required overcoming many limitations.
Achieving an emotional connection required that I overcome three main limitations. The first one is finding a way to connect to something that is dead. The second one was using a camera with a very slow lens, hence, completely unpractical in dark places, like those were I took these pictures. Third, since these photographs were taken through the glass of a diorama, finding good framing was limited to only horizontal and vertical movement. Each limitation by itself could kill a photograph, but three will put the artist into his place. 

I think there is always a way to work with limitations. Using them to triangulate your position leads to that perfect place -- a place that is willing to give something back that is beyond control, a life of it's own, a life that is captured on an extremely thin negative, almost dead, barley breathing yet with all the detail our mind needs to engage.

Of approximately two thousand pictures taken, only twenty seven came to life. These dark photographs hold no true black or white, yet hopefully everything in between.

Gregor Törzs